Friday , March 7 2025


Noor-e-Marfat Issue 64

شمارہ 64: اپریل تا جون 2024ء

Noor-e-Marfat 64

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔
This issue of quarterly research journal “Noor-e- Marfat” contains 5 papers. The 1st paper discusses divine goals of human economic upbringing in the light of the Holy Qur’an and the traditions of infallibles (A.S). The 2nd paper presents a review of different periods and history of Imamiyah political jurisprudence. The 3rd paper examines the status of efforts for the establishment of Islamic government in the period of great occultation. The 4th paper narrates the definition of philosophy, the types of cognition, the necessity of philosophy and its difference from other sciences in the light of Allama Tabatabai and Murtaza Muthari’s works. And the last paper examines the role of philosophy and mathematics in the creation of social realities; in the context of theory of ‘Divine Economics’.

Noor-e-Marfat Issue 63

Noor e marfat 63

شمارہ 63: جنوری تا مارچ 2024ء

Noor-e-Marfat 63

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

This issue of quarterly research journal “Noor-e- Marfat”, contains 5 articles. The 1st paper discusses Man’s special nature regarding Economics. According to this article man’s awareness of his economical nature can lead him to promote a welfare Islamic society to come into existence. The 2nd article presents an excellent argument regarding why metaphysical debates are central to philosophical debates in the light of Allama Tabatabai’ book “Usul-e Falsafah wa Rowish-e Realism”. This paper also includes a strong criticism of the dialectical materialism of Karl Marx and Engels. The 3rd paper introduces the Shia biographers and historians of the third century Hijri in the light of the book “Political History of Islam” by a well-known researcher, Professor Rasul Jafarian. The next paper discusses the efforts made during the reign of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) to create a welfare state and a prosperous society. And the 5th paper examines the root cause of the Palestine problem, according to which the two-state solution of this problem is involved in many legal difficulties. So, the real solution to this problem lies in the formation of a unified state; a state in which all Palestinians are equal citizens and partakers, regardless of their religion, race or color.

Noor-e-Marfat Issue 62

Noor - e - Marfat # 62

شمارہ 62: اکتوبر تا دسمبر 2023ء

Noor-e-Marfat 62

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

This issue of quarterly research journal “Noor-e- Marfat”, contains 6 scholarly articles. The first two articles guide us how we can bring the prosperity and welfare to our lives. The 3rd article also highlights the role of some practices like piety, trust, gratitude, charity, lending, and marriage in increasing our sustenance and wealth. The 4th paper sheds light on the works of Shia historians. It introduces 20 books compiled by the Shiites on the history and biography of the Prophets, particularly the holy Prophet (PBUH). The 5th paper throws a light upon the ‘importance of knowledge and its sanctity’, ‘the reliability of knowledge and its scope for being errorless’ from the viewpoint of Allama Tabatabai‘s book “Usul-e Filsafah wa Rawish-e Realism“.  Finally, the 6th article presents an introduction to the “Zhikri” sect, found in Pakistan’s Baluchistan and Sindh provinces, as well as Iranian Baluchistan.

Noor-e-Marfat Issue 61

شمارہ 61: جولائی تا ستمبر 2023ء

Noor-e-Marfat 61

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

The 61st issue of quarterly research journal “Noor-e- Marfat” contains 6 articles. The first two articles of this issue guide academicians to devise a system of economic education and training based on these foundations that will guide governments, experts, and every member of the society to adjust their economic life accordingly. The title of the 3rd article evaluates Shanqiti’s denial of the faith in Hazrat Abu Talib’ in his Tafsir “Azwa al-Bayan”, under verse 91 of Surah-e Hud. The writer of this paper has proved in the light of 5 Qur’anic and historical arguments that Hazrat Abu Talib was not only a believer, but also a defender of the Messenger of God (PBUH). The next two articles of this issue are related to the importance of “History” and “Biography” and a detailed discussion has been represented on the subjects.

Noor e Marfat Issue 60

شمارہ 60: اپريل تا جون 2023ء

Noor-e-Marfat 60

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

The 60th issue of quarterly research journal Noor-e- Marfat, contains 6 scholarly research articles. The 1st article under the title “Upbringing System of Cultural Evolution of Islamic Society” discovers the core values that cause the uplift of a society. Under the title “Biography: From its Beginning to Aban bin Uthman”, the 2nd article presents a very comprehensive research on a specific type of Muslim historiography, i.e. “Biography”. The 3rd paper demonstrate the Islamic system and some basic rules of child upbringing under the title “Fostering Aspect of Aqiqah – an Exploratory Review”. The 4th paper has initiated interfaith religious dialogue, highlighting the historical and theological status of Buddhism under the title of “Religious Foundations of Dialogue in the Context of Buddhist Influences in Gilgit”.The 5th paper titled “Elimination of Poverty in the Light of the Theory of Divine Economics” claims that the theory of divine economy can wipe out the poverty from human societies. In the last paper, under the title, “Islam’s Role in Reducing Domestic Violence against Women” it is made clear how Islam prevents domestic violence against women. Hopefully, the current issue of “Noor-e-Ma’rfat” will lead our readers towards new dimensions of knowledge and practice.

Noor e Marfat Issue 59

شمارہ 59: جنوری تا مارچ 2023ء

Noor-e-Marfat 59

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

The 1st paper of 59th serial issue of the Quarterly Research Journal Noor-e- Marfat claims that the Holy Quran has provided complete content for the social and moral upbringing of human society on the basis of the love and non-love of Allah Ta’ala. The impact of the love and non-love of Allah Ta’ala upon society has been analyzed in this article. The 2nd paper of this issue discusses about the teachings, life and the role of the holy Prophet (PBUH) in the foundation and evolution of Islamic society, from the view point of Ayatollah Seyd Ali Khamenei; who has indicated 3 important points of the life and character of the Holy Prophet: monotheism, ethics and the foundation of Islamic civilization. The 3rd article claims that the general impression assuming Allama Muhammad Iqbal as anti-sufism is incorrect. In fact, Allama Iqbal agrees with the spirit of Sufism and its basic teachings. The 4th paper is an introduction to “Zaydia”; the sect whose followers still live in Yemen and some other places. According to writer, this sect is closer to Mu’tazila in terms of some basic believes, while it recognizes Hazrat Ali (A.S.) as its imam and leader after the holy Prophet (PBUH). The 5th article claims that Islam has bestowed the women with the equal dignity and equality to the men. That is why women are also responsible for the protection of Islam as the men. The last paper is an introduction to the Mullah Mohsin Faiz Kashani’s book “Al-Mahajjata Al-Bayzaa Fi Tahzeeb Al-Ahiya”. The author introduces this book as the best book of the Ethics.

Noor e Marfat Issue 58

شمارہ 58: اکتوبر تا دسمبر 2022ء

Noor-e-Marfat 58

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔
Human civilization and culture is based on globalization. All the Prophets (peace be upon them) taught peace, love and harmony to their nations during their times. It was full of barbarism, violence, narrow mindedness and religious hatred. The lives of those who converted to Islam were filled with misery and severe punishment for religious bigotry. In his biography, he not only emphasized on religious harmony but also eradicated narrow-mindedness and religious hatred. Religious hatred and narrow-mindedness were on the rise. It was pointed out that what attitude should a Muslim take towards the followers of other religions and sects in the society so that the society could possess higher moral values than the Holy Prophet?
No other personality can do that. If you look at the current world situation It is clear that the whole of humanity is mired in the mire of violence, hatred and religious extremism, and that religious extremism has diverted humanity from the path of moderation. Therefore, in view of these difficult circumstances, In the present research, keeping in view the Sira of Tayyiba, we will examine different situations and events, how we can benefit from his teachings and play our role in building a peaceful

Noor e Marfat Issue 57

شمارہ 57: جولائی تا ستمبر 2022ء

Noor-e-Marfat 57

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

سہ ماہی تحقیقی مجلہ نورِ معرفت کا 57 واں شمارہ 7 مقالات کے علاوہ اردو اور انگریزی اداریوں پر مشتمل ہے۔ ان مقالات کے عناویں بالترتیب یہ ہیں: “تحریف عہدین پر قرآنی دلیل- تنقیدی، تحلیلی جائزہ”، “قرآن اور حدیث کی روشنی میں نماز کے اجتماعی فوائد” ، “نوجوانوں اور مساجد کے درمیان مؤثر رابطے میں رکاوٹیں اور ان کا حل ّ”، “واقعہ ٴکربلا کی اردو شعری ادبیات پر تاثیر: آزاد کشمیر کے تناظر میں” ، فمینزم کی تاریخ اور اسباب”، “حضرت موسی ٰ اور خضر (ع) کی داستان کی روشنی میں مربی اساتذہ کی خصوصیات کا ماڈل” اور ” کتاب شناسی کی روش: تاریخ طبری، ایک نمونہ” ۔
یقینا ان 7 علمی، تحقیقی مقالات پر حاوی مجلہ نور معرفت کا یہ 57واں شمارہ ہمارے قارئین کی علمی پیاس کی تسکین کا موجب ہو گا۔ ان شاء اللہ

The 57th issue of the quarterly research journal Noor-e-Marfat consists of 7 articles along with Urdu and English editorials. These articles are respectively entitled as:

“Qur’anic Argument on Tahreef Al-Ahadeen – A Critical, Analytical Review”, “The Social Benefits of Prayer in the Light of the Qur’an and Hadith”, “Obstacles in Effective Relation between Youth and Masajid and their Solutions”, “Impact of Karbala Incident on Urdu Poetry: In the Context of Azad Kashmir”, “The Background and History of Feminism”, “A Model for Mentor Teachers Efficiencies (In the light of Hazrat Musa & Khazir’s Event)” and “The Methodology of Bibliography: Tareekh e-Tabari taken as a Sample”. Of course, this issue of “Noor-e- Marfat will satisfy the academic thirst of our readers! God willing!

Noor e Marfat Issue # 56


شمارہ 56: اپریل تا جون 2022ء

Noor-e-Marfat 56

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

The Upanishads are one of the most ancient and important books among Hindu Scriptures. These books have a unique importance in Indian

Philosophy. Scholars have done very significant researches on this scripture. Innumerable articles and books have been written on different

Upanishads, but no significant work has so far been done on studying the theological concepts of Upanishad in the light of Quranic Theology. One reason behind this may be lack of comprehensive knowledge of Upanishads in Muslim scholars. Indeed it is quite difficult to understand

abstract thoughts found in them. However, the re is no dispute upon the necessity of exploring and comparing the common theological concepts of Upanishad and Quran. This article presents a comparative analysis of the theological concepts of Taittirīya Upanishad and the Quran. The rationale behind choosing Taittirīya among many from many Upanishads is the fact that it is considered as most significant source book of Vedanta Philosophy. According to the author’s findings there are some basic similarities between theological concepts of the Holy Quran and Taittirīya Upanishad with respect to the concept of God. We believe that it is a unique topic on which no research work has been published by journals. Hence, the subject has a great contemporary significance for both Muslims and Hindus


Noor e Marfat Issue 55


شمارہ 55: جنوری تا مارچ 2022ء

Noor-e-Marfat 55

رکنیت حاصل کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

55th serial issue of the qr. Noor-e-Ma’rfat contains 9 articles with 2 editorials (Urdu-English). Actually, the first 2 articles published under the headings of “Atheism: Introduction and History” and “The polytheism of the Polytheists in Holy Prophet’s Age” provide solid intellectual arguments for the eradication of atheistic and polytheistic ideas from human society. A critical examination has been made of Mirza G. A. Qadiani’s claims about Imam Mahdi (as) in the 3rd article and it is proved that his claims are baseless and contrary to the established Islamic beliefs.

The 4th article represents an important discussion about the doctrine of infallibility of Imams (as). This article rejects the theory of evolution in this doctrine. The 5th article entitled as “Reaction to Hali’s Thought: Religious & Literal Factors” examines the thought formation process of Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali. It also finds out the reasons why intellectuals opposed Hali.

An introduction to 2 important books of the 4th century is included in this issue. The 6th articles introduces a specific chapter (Kitab Al-Siam) of Muhammad Ibn Ya’qub Al-Kalini’s famous book Al-Kafi and the 7th article introduces the bibliography of a famous commentary of the Holy Quran “Tafsir-e-Ayashi”, written by Muhammad ibn Ayashi.

The 8th article under the title of “Massive Drop in the Rate of Silver Coins and its Impact upon Jurisprudential Matters” contains a jurisprudential discussion that guides scholars of the modern era about the application of jurisprudential issues in which the determination of the value of silver coins is fundamental. And the last article entitled as “Relation between Religion and Politics” examines how closely Islam and politics are related to each other.