Quarterly NOOR-E-MARFAT is a religious research journal with a vision is to establish research-based Islamic civilization. Its mission is to quench the thirst for knowledge through mentoring researchers and publishing research papers. It is being published since 2007. Its first 6 issues were published on biannual basis (only for members). Since 2010 it is being published on quarterly basis. This journal was approved by HEC in Y category in March 2020 and it has been listed in HJRS for the Years 2020-21 and 2021-2022. This journal publishes the articles from Islamic perspective on Quranic sciences, Hadith (Tradition), Islamic jurisprudence, Principles of jurisprudence, Islamic history, Comparative religions, Education and Pedagogy, Divine literature, Divine Economics, Sociology, Islamic Political Thought, Iqbalogy (Iqbaliyat), Islamic culture and civilization, Islamic law and principles of law and so forth. It also publishes books reviews. The policy of the journal is to publish research-based articles that propose solutions to the intellectual and practical problems of modern era.
eISSN: 2710-3463
pISSN: 2221-1659
Frequency: July to September, 2024
Editor: Dr. Shaikh Muhammad Hasnain Nadir
Current Issue
Vol. 15 Issue No. 3; Serial Issue # 65 (July – September 2024)
Full Issue
65th issue of qtr. “Noor-e-Ma’rfat”, contains 6 articles. The 1st article while reviewing the excellences of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) emphasizes to make his character a beacon. The 2nd article discusses the evil of sodomy (Liwa”t) and its punishment according to the Shia’ and Sunni Jurisprudence. The 3rd paper provides a brief introduction to philosophy, sophistry and materialism, and dialectical materialism. The 4th article explains the characteristics of Islamic education system from the viewpoint of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hussaini Khamenei. The 5th paper is a reconsideration of the meanings of rationality from the viewpoint of European and Muslim thinkers. This paper provides a basic solution to the conflict between Western and Islamic civilizations. The 6th article examines the dynamics of violent Takfir in Pakistan (1980-2024)”.
Editorial (Urdu) اداریہ
Dr. Hasnain Nadir Shaikh
Editorial (English)
Dr. Hasnain Nadir Shaikh
حضرت امام محمد تقیؑ کے علمی کمالات و فضائل کا تحقیقی جائزہ
A Research Review of the Scholarly and Moral
Excellences of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.)
Muhammad Ahmad Fareed Fatemi
لواط اور فریقین )شیعہ-سنی( کے نزدیک اس کی سزا
Sodomy and its Punishment According
to the Both Parties (Shia’-Sunni)
of Imamiyyah Political Jurisprudence
Ghulam Qanbar Haidari
اصول فلسفہ و روش رئالیسم – چند صفحات کا مطالعہ
Study of a few Pages from:“The Principles of
Philosophy and the Methodology of Realism
Dr. Abou Hadi
اسلامی نظام تعلیم-و-تربیت، سید علی حسینی خامنہ ای کے قرآنی تأملات کی روشنی میں
Islamic Education & Upbringing System in the Light of
Syed Ali Hussaini Khamenei’s Meditations on Holy Quran
Mohammad Saghir
عقلانیت کے معنی اور مقام کا فہم مجدد مغربی فلسفہ اور قرآن کریم کی نظر میں
Reconsidering the Meaning and Status of Rationality:
from Viewpoint of Western Philosophy and the Holy Quran
Dr. Kausar Ali
Evolving the Dynamics of Violent Takfir in Pakistan (1980-2024)
Evolving the Dynamics of Violent Takfirism in Pakistan (1980-2024)
Dr. Syed Sibtain Hussain Shah