Friday , March 14 2025

Scope & Mission


Quarterly NOOR-E-MARFAT publishes articles from Islamic perspective on Quranic sciences, hadith (Tradition), Islamic jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, Islamic history, comparative religions, education and pedagogy, literature, economics, sociology, political science, Iqbalogy (Iqbaliyat), culture and civilization, law and principles of law and so forth. It also publishes books reviews. The policy of the journal is to publish research-based articles that propose solutions to the intellectual and practical problems of modern era. Only those articles are published in the journal that follow the guidelines for authors.’


Our mission is to quench the thirst for knowledge through mentoring researchers and publishing research papers.


  1. To provide literature to create an atmosphere of social tolerance at the national and international level.
  2. To provide literature to create an atmosphere of harmony between religions at the national and international levels.
  3. To offer solutions to the social and religious problems of the national and international community in the light of Islamic teachings.
  4. To promote and defend the Islamic world view in the light of solid logical and rational arguments.
  5. To provide the intellectual basis for the establishment of a global Islamic society based upon justice.
  6. To present research on research required topics of social and religious teachings.
  7. To inculcate the spirit of research in the teachers and students of different educational institutions.