Monday , October 21 2024

Guidelines for Authors

Authors are requested to submit their article in accordance with guidelines given below using our web link:

The scope of the quarterly social and religious research journal Noor-e-Ma’rfat is to publish research articles on social, religious sciences and topics. The journal promotes an atmosphere of social tolerance and constructive dialogue between religions and faiths nationally and internationally, as well as provides the intellectual basis for the establishment of a global Islamic society based on justice in the light of Islamic teachings. In addition, the journal provokes research spirit among teachers and students of universities and religious educational institutes by publishing their research works. The promotion of unity, integrity, religious tolerance and mutual love between citizens of The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has always been the first priority. The journal publishes articles that are research-oriented and offer solutions to the practical problems of modern man.

Exegesis and sciences of Quran, Hadith and Rijal, Jurisprudence and Principles of Jurisprudence, Philosophy and Theology, Biography and History, Comparison of Religions, Education and Upbringing, Literature, Sociology, Politics, Iqbaliyat, Culture, Civilization and Law etc. are regular topics of Quarterly Noor-e-Ma’rfat Magazine. In general, articles written from an Islamic point of view on all human sciences are published in this journal. So, the journal invites scholars and intellectuals to decorate the pages of this journal with their valuable articles on religious and social issues. However, it is important that the following guidelines must be followed in the composition of all articles:

  1. The article should be composed in MS-Office Word and unpublished.
  2. The article should not be less than 5500 and not more than 8500 words.
  3. The article should contain both Urdu and English abstracts containing 120-140 words. Add key words after abstract.
  4. Use original sources in article preparation.
  5. If the Plagiarism Report of the article is more than 18%, it will not be published.
  6. Articles will be published only after Peer Reviewers approval.
  7. Author would have to submit an amount of PKR: 5000 as APC.
  8. The journal has the right to edit the content and the format of sent articles.
  9. References in the form of Endnotes should be written in both Latin and Urdu scripts according to the Chicago Manual of Style Reference (CMOS). Sources should be written in Italicized form. Refer to the book in the following way:

Number. First name, Last name, Title of Book (City: Publisher, year), page[s] cited [or chapter number, if no page numbers], URL [incorporating DOI when possible]. For Example:

1.Peter W. Rose, Class in Archaic Greece(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 95.

۔ 1.المتقی الہندی، علاء الدین علی، کنز العمال فی سنن الاقوال والافعال ، ج12 (بیروت: دار الکتب العلمیۃ، 1424ھ) ، 294۔

10. Use the following method for end note in references from research journals:

Number. First name, Last name, “Title of Article”, Journal volume, no. issue (year): page[s] cited, URL [when online version is consulted]. For Example:

1. Rex Buck Jr. and Wilson Wewa, “We Are Created from This Land”, Oregon Historical Quarterly 115, no. 3 (2014): 303.

1. https://doi‐

۔۱۔ سید رمیز الحسن، موسوی، “عبقات الانوار فی امامۃ الائمۃ الاطہار”، سہ ماہی سماجی، دینی تحقیقی مجلہ نور معرفت، جلد 7، شمارہ 4  (2017): 170۔

1.”, Quarterly “Noor-e-Marfat 7, no.4 (2017): 170.

11. In case, the author of a book is unknown, the title of the book itself will be listed first in the Endnote. Also, if some of the information required in the endnote, such as the year of publication or the name of the publisher, is not available, it should be replaced with nd. For example:

1.Nasir Makarem, Shirazi, Tafsir Namuna, vol. 1, translation: Syed Safdar Hussain Najafi (Lahore, Misbah-ul-Quran Trust, nd.), 58.

۔1.  ناصر مکارم، شیرازی، تفسیر نمونہ، ج1، ترجمہ: سید صفدر حسین نجفی( لاہور، مصباح القرآن ٹرسٹ، سن ندارد)،  58۔

12. To write [p/ page number] before entering its serial is not on priority. Just write down the number of page(s).

13. To mention the country/province of the well-known cities is unnecessary. But it is better to write the name of the country/province with the names of unknown cities.

14. Enter the full details in the first reference from any source. While repeating the previous source write “Ibid.” and enter the vol. /page no. if there is a change. For Example:

1. Peter W. Rose, Class in Archaic Greece (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 95.

2. Ibid.

15. While repeating the previous source if there is a reference to another source in the middle, enter the second name of the author of the previous source, the name of the book, the volume and the page number as given below:

1. W. Rose, Class in Archaic Greece, 95.

16. In case of giving more than one reference to a single meaning, separate the reference from the previous reference by (;). For example:

1.Peter W.Rose,Class in Archaic Greece (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 95;Rex Buck Jr.and Wilson Wewa,“We Are Created from This Land”,Oregon Historical Quarterly 115, no.3 (2014):303.

۔1. خورشید احمد ، سو شلزم یا اسلام (دہلی: مرکزی مکتبہ اسلامی، 1982ء) ،61؛ حقی، شان الحق، فرہنگ تلفظ )اسلام آباد، مقتدرہ قومی زبان، 2008(، 51۔


Important Note: For more information, see the Chicago Manual of Style Reference online.