- Qari Abdul Nasir
The University of Faisalabad
Imam Abu Amr al-Basri is counted among the ten consecutive recitations and he is the only one who has the consensus of the scholars to be a pure Arabic. He was a just, trustworthy and an ascetic man who was devoted to spend his wealth for good deeds. He was well versed in sciences such as recitation, dictionary, history, genealogy and poetry. His recitation is easy, heartwarming and beyond difficulty. He was the most knowledgeable of the Qur’an and Arabic lexicon among his contemporary scholars and famous readers. However, in some verses there is a difference between his recitation and the recitation of other reciters.
While providing a brief introduction of Imam Abu Amr, this article interprets the literal and terminological meaning of reciting the Qur’an. Keeping in mind the famous recitation of seven reciters and especially the recitation of Imam Abu Amr, it then discusses three verses of the Holy Qur’an. Two of these verses are related to Qur’anic verbs (افعال) and the third verse is related to Qur’anic plural noun (اسم جمع). These verses are generally disputed by the commentators.
In order to easily understand the interpretive effects of the difference of recitation in the selected verses, four different steps have been taken in the light of the sayings of reliable commentators:
- After translating the related verse, the difference of the ten reciters is mentioned.
- The meanings and concepts of recitations is explained in different Qur’anic words.
- The interpretive effects caused by the differences of recitations is resolved.
- At the end of each verse, a brief but comprehensive analysis is presented so that the scholars, those who have a taste for the knowledge of recitations, and especially the readers can understand the interpretive effects of the desired verses at any stage. There was no difficulty in explaining, reading and teaching.
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محمدبن علی، الشوکانی،تفسیر فتح الدیر ، ج2(دمشق،دارابن کثیر،1414ھ)،123۔
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